Florida TERT Training
Initial training for TERT Teams begins with your FEMA IS-144.a - once you have completed this course you are eligible for TERT deployment in the state of Florida. You must also complete FEMA IS 100, 200, and 700.
Your Regional Coordinators will be in regular communication with agency leadership throughout the state to keep our database up to date with all who are deployment-ready. Agency leadership should pay attention to their emails around the start of Hurricane Season (June 1st) and be prepared to report their availability when requested.
The Florida TERT Portal is maintained by the Membership Coordinator, Christine Wade. Each agency is responsible for maintaining the agency member's deployment eligibility. Regional Coordinators are responsible for their region's deployment assessment through communication throughout their region ahead of each Hurricane Season.
Additional Recommended Training:
Must complete FEMA IS-800
DHS CISA All-Hazards Incident Tactical Dispatcher (INTD)
Training Offered by FL-TERT:
Preparing for ECC Deployments
Additional Training Opportunities
You can find additional information about training opportunities throughout the state or online by visiting the below sites.